Zip code for dubuque iowa

What is the area code for Dubuque Iowa?

Area code 563

How can I find a zip code? To find a zip code with, you need to fill in the fields with your USA street address, city, and state. Then click Find and you’ll get your postal code . There is also a tab to get zip code for a company.

What is your 5 digit zip code?

There are three main parts to the 5 – digit ZIP Code as designated by the USPS. The national area, the city or region, and the delivery area. The United States Postal Service (USPS) has segmented the country into 10 ZIP Code areas. Starting in the northeast, they are numbered 0-9.

Is Dubuque Iowa a good place to live?

Dubuque , Iowa is ranked No. 10 on the Kiplinger’s Personal Finance new list of “10 Great Places to Live .” The magazine lauds the city for transforming itself from a struggling riverfront town with a failing meatpacking plant and unemployment over 20 percent into a winner both physically and economically.

What is zip code example?

Examples of private address unique ZIP Codes include the headquarters of Walmart (72716). An example of a PO Box-only ZIP Code is 22313, which is used for PO Boxes at the main post office in Alexandria, Virginia, such as those used by the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

Are all ZIP codes 5 digits?

U.S. ZIP Codes are always five digits long. These 3 and 4 digit numbers actually begin with one or two zeros. For example, when you see “501” for Holtsville, it’s really 00501. As a default, Excel converts this column into a number and removes the leading zeros.

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Is 11111 a valid ZIP code?

11111 is not a valid 5 digit ZIP Code , but there are valid ZIP Codes that start with 111: 11101, 11102, etc.

Is zip code and PIN code same?

PIN code stands for Postal Index Number code . Also known as Zip code or area postal code , Pin code is the post office numbering code system used by the postal service of India, India Post.

Is 00000 a valid ZIP code?

If you run into a validation error for a country that does not use zip codes , you can try to force the address through by entering ” 00000 ” as a replacement postal code . Using this false postal code should not cause issues, as it does not exist.

What is the poorest town in Iowa?


What is the crime rate in Dubuque Iowa?

The Dubuque IA crime rate for 2017 was 282.92 per 100,000 population, a 20.48% decline from 2016. The Dubuque IA crime rate for 2016 was 355.78 per 100,000 population, a 24.2% increase from 2015.

What is Dubuque Iowa famous for?

Dubuque is Iowa’s oldest city and is among the oldest settlements west of the Mississippi River. The first permanent settler to the area was French-Canadian fur trader Julien Dubuque . When he arrived in 1785, the Mesquakie (Fox) Indians occupied the region which included an abundant amount of lead mines.

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