Iowa phone area codes

What area code is 641 belong to?


What is Des Moines area code?

Area code 515

What is the area code for Iowa City Iowa?

Area code 319

What is the area of Iowa?

56 272 кв. мили

Where is 419 area code in the United States?


Where is 212 area code in the US?

New York City

What is the area code for Davenport Iowa?

Area code 563

What area code is 319 from?

Area code 319 is a telephone area code in the North American Numbering Plan (NANP) for the southeastern and east-central parts of the U.S. state of Iowa. Major cities in the numbering plan area (NPA) include Burlington, Cedar Falls, Cedar Rapids, Oelwein, Fort Madison, Iowa City, Keokuk, Mount Pleasant, and Waterloo.

What area code is 515 in US?

state of Iowa

What is the area code for Cedar Rapids Iowa?

Area code 319

What area is 712 in USA?


What is area code in mobile number?

The area code is the identifier for a geographic region. The next grouping is the 3-digit prefix, which narrows the location of the phone number a little further. Finally, there is the line number . These are the last 4 digits of the phone number which directs a call to a specific phone line.

Is Iowa flat or hilly?

Iowa is generally not flat; most of the state consists of rolling hills. Northeast Iowa along the Upper Mississippi River is part of the Driftless Area, consisting of steep hills and valleys which appear almost mountainous.

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What are people from Iowa called?

People who live in Iowa are called Iowans or Hawkeyes .

What Iowa is famous for?

The Hawkeye State is the nation’s top pork and corn producer. Iowa, also known as the Hawkeye State , became the nation’s 29th state in 1846. Iowa has the most pigs of any state and is the nation’s top pork producer.

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