Zip codes for waterloo iowa

How do you find your zip code?

To get your exact zipcode please share your location. You can also find the zipcode of any address or point clicked on the map. Searching for a city may not give you a result as there are many zip codes within a city. if this is the case click within the city limits to find the zip code of that spot.

What zip code is 50701?

Ватерлоо Эвансдейл Гилбертвилл Гудзон Реймонд

What are the zip codes for Iowa?

Iowa ZIP Code List

Zip Codes for the State of Iowa
Zip Code City County
50002 Adair Adair
50003 Adel Dallas
50005 Albion Marshall

Where is the zip code 10000?

New York City

What is my 5 digit zip code Canada?

If prompted for your ZIP code , just enter the three digits of your postal code plus two zeros. So for example, if your postal code is A2B 3C4, the 5 digit number you should enter is 23400. Contact you card issuer if you have any questions.

Is 00000 a valid ZIP code?

If you run into a validation error for a country that does not use zip codes , you can try to force the address through by entering ” 00000 ” as a replacement postal code . Using this false postal code should not cause issues, as it does not exist.

What is Iowa’s area code?

Area code 515 Area code 712 Area code 641 Area code 319 Area code 563

Is there a zip code 66666?

66666 – Free ZIP Code Lookup with area code , county, geocode 54321 – USA usa zip code , postal code22381 – 22381 Riverbend DR, Watertown – New York | US ZIP Codes .

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Is 11111 a valid ZIP code?

11111 is not a valid 5 digit ZIP Code , but there are valid ZIP Codes that start with 111: 11101, 11102, etc.

What zip code is 99999?

Has your company ever shipped a product to the 99999 zip code ? Of course not. It doesn’t exist. In fact, the highest real zip code is 99950, for Ketchikan, Alaska. Most organizations find that it’s been entered as a placeholder in their shipment database.

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