Zip code for albia iowa

What is the zip code for Lowa?

Iowa ZIP Code List

Zip Codes for the State of Iowa
Zip Code City County
50013 Ames Story
50014 Ames Story
50020 Anita Cass

How can I find a zip code? To find a zip code with, you need to fill in the fields with your USA street address, city, and state. Then click Find and you’ll get your postal code . There is also a tab to get zip code for a company.

Do cities share zip codes?

When looking at postal codes around the world, there are cases where two different cities are served by the same postal code . For example, the zip code 94608 in California is used for both Emeryville and parts of Oakland. One postal code , two cities .

What are the zip codes in Ohio?

Ohio ZIP Code List

Zip Codes for the State of Ohio
Zip Code City County
43199 Groveport Franklin
43201 Columbus Franklin
43202 Columbus Franklin

What is Iowa’s area code?

Area code 515 Area code 712 Area code 641 Area code 319 Area code 563

What is zip code example?

Examples of private address unique ZIP Codes include the headquarters of Walmart (72716). An example of a PO Box-only ZIP Code is 22313, which is used for PO Boxes at the main post office in Alexandria, Virginia, such as those used by the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

Are all ZIP codes 5 digits?

U.S. ZIP Codes are always five digits long. These 3 and 4 digit numbers actually begin with one or two zeros. For example, when you see “501” for Holtsville, it’s really 00501. As a default, Excel converts this column into a number and removes the leading zeros.

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Is zip code and PIN code same?

PIN code stands for Postal Index Number code . Also known as Zip code or area postal code , Pin code is the post office numbering code system used by the postal service of India, India Post.

Can a zip code cross state lines?

ZIP Codes are Lines , Not Shapes ZIP Codes are not drawn according to state boundaries . In fact, since they are designed only to increase mailing efficiency, ZIP Codes can and do cross county and state boundaries . For example: 42223 spans Christian County, Kentucky, and Montgomery County, Tennessee.

Are there any zip codes in two states?

There are 13 multi-state US Census’ ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTAs): 02861, 42223, 59221, 63673, 71749, 73949, 81137, 84536, 86044, 86515, 88063, 89439 & 97635. So your example of 42223 does span a state border, but it looks like it is actually between Maryland and Virginia. that between Kentucky and Tennessee.

What zip code is 44105?

Cleveland Garfield Heights Newburgh Heights Cuyahoga Heights

Where is 45217 located?

Saint Bernard

How many zip codes are there in the United States?

42,000 ZIP Codes

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